



2 則迴響

Filed under 香港政治

2 responses to “搞凡是派就唔衰就有鬼

  1. echykr

    Once again, I refer to this video from the comedy movie Monty Python’s Life of Brian.

    Monty Python originally intended to use these various Jewish resistance groups fighting each other as a satire on the leftist groups in the UK, but this can also be aptly used to describe not just the LSD, but the entire pan-democrats in HK.

    Very often, for one or two issues which can actually be ironed out if they put an effort, they end up hating each other more than they hate their supposed common enemy – Beijing.

  2. v

    the jewish people have a reputation to be argumentative. yet they go and do things after their arguments.

    we shall see what stuff they are made of.
