BNO持有人可以正式申請Tier 5-Youth Mobility Scheme

經Britishhongkong forum會員World Traveller Plus與英國政府不斷周旋,香港BN(O)持有人,可以透過上述網址申請Tier 5-Youth Mobility Scheme在英國工作兩年,但要未滿三十歲、持有BN(O)以及有幾萬蚊港紙在銀行戶口。


13 則迴響

Filed under 英國與歐洲

13 responses to “BNO持有人可以正式申請Tier 5-Youth Mobility Scheme

  1. T.F Chan

    小弟正想參加此計劃, 但請問 Tier 5-Youth Mobility Scheme 要出發前多久申請 ?
    同埋可否到英國駐香港領事館申請 ?
    與及係咪依舊不用到警局報到呢 ?


  2. XDDD

  3. Taron

    唔會, d人會話, 英國經濟咁差, 俾我都唔去咁話wor

  4. Oliver


  5. world traveler plus

    to TF Chan

    Your scheduled arrival date (to UK) should be within three months of your application date. If you want to work in UK by YMS on e.g. May, you may lodge your application later on.
    As far as I remember, UKBA takes the date when the application fee is settled as “application date". “Application date" is a matter as UKBA will use the currency exchange rate on the “application date" on calculating the equivalent GBP amount of your saving on bank statement.

    You should make an e-appointment on . If you are currently in Hong Kong, you should choose location Hong Kong. The web page will guide you on filling in information and finally, they will let you make an appointment with Visa Section of British Consulate General in Hong Kong for providing the supporting document(an also settle the application fee).

    At the end of the web application for e-appointment, you could print two documents. One of the document contains option “Police Registration" on “Official use" column. As this form is designed to be used for T5, I guess Australian, Canadian, Japanese and New Zealander need police registration. I believe the answer should be NO for police registration.

    I will have my PBS T5 YMS after xmas holiday. I will update BHK forum after I lodge my application in person.

  6. T.F Chan

    Thanks for your answer, World Traveler Plus ! 🙂

  7. Joanne

    請問是否一定要30歲之前申請?因為我知道NZ, AUS的都可以在31歲生日前申請,並且如常計一年的入境期限 (即是可以在32歲生日前使用working holiday visa)

  8. martinoei 黃世澤

    和NZ, AUS申請人一樣,可以31歲生日前申請,32歲生日前使用Visa。

  9. 引用通告: 轉載林忌:劉江華草泥馬 BNO 論 « Atheistdemo’s Weblog

  10. TIM

    For real?? Before, i wanted to apply the Post study visa, is that the same thing? does it need a company proof?? I wanted to work in a french fine dining as a chef, will that be a problems?

  11. martinoei 黃世澤

    To TIM:

    與Post Study Visa完全不同,這Visa不用公司證明,你只需在31歲生日前,出示有足夠現金的銀行戶口紀錄。如果你想在英國,做法國餐廳廚師,你未搵到工都可以申請。當然你搵了工才申請,比較安全。

  12. Tet

    to martinoei 黃世澤

    Post Study Visa 也是不用公司證明…
    只係Post Study 係for 在英留學既大學生

  13. ailsa

