



首先,馬英九陣營的看法,完全是蓄意提供錯誤資料,因為1950年出生的馬英九,根據《英國國籍法1948》(British Nationality Act 1948),第二部分第四條是這樣寫:

Subject to the provisions of this section, every person born within the United Kingdom and Colonies after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth


provided that a person shall not be such a citizen by virtue of this section if at the time of his birth—


(a) his father possesses such immunity from suit and legal process as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign sovereign power accredited to His Majesty, and is not a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies; or


(b) his father is an enemy alien and the birth occurs in a place then under occupation by the enemy.


中華民國當時不是英國敵國,而馬鶴凌當時不可能是中華民國駐香港外交人員,因此,馬英九肯定是百分百的英國臣民(British Subject)和聯合王國及其領地公民(Citizen of United Kingdom and Colonies)。馬英九陣營指英國行屬人主義,完全是蓄意提供虛假陳述,在香港,一早可以告進法院,如果楊秋興被告進法院,可以拿著這點打得馬英九陣營落花流水。


不過,在最近一宗研究中的英國國籍法漏洞中,我們有理由相信,就算沒持有BN(O),馬英九仍然有可能終身擁有CUKC或British Subject的身份,只不過,除非馬英九在1973年實施Immigration Act 1971前於英國本土換領護照,否則CUKC或British Subject都不會在現時這一刻有英國居留權,而這隱藏身份亦可能要打官司才能分曉。


7 則迴響

Filed under 英國與歐洲, 香港政治, 台灣政治

7 responses to “再談馬英九的英國國籍

  1. Joel

    In addition, Ma Ying-jeou was born on July 13, 1950, which by that time, Britain had already recognized the People’s Republic of China as representing “the legitimate Chinese government". Any ROC officials thus would have no status under the time. In other words, even if Ma Ho-ling were a ROC official at that point, the HK governemnt would not have recognized his diplomatic status anyway.

    And it was pointed out Ma Ying-jeou belatedly obtained a HK birth certificate in January 1997, which could show that Ma could not possess BC passport. (The British Home Office would have required an official birth certificate for British passport application)

  2. 這個楊秋興好像瘋子

  3. martinoei


    至少馬英九陣營的回應是錯誤的,但更錯是馬英九的支持者,我罕有地把一個台灣IP列為blacklist IP,因為我還有一份文件要趕通宵,我沒有時間掃時間多得要命的鄉民。

  4. CS

    Well Done! 感謝您的查證!說謊的政治人物就是要讓他們現形!

  5. martinoei



  6. itsthesame



    按一下以存取 yakou_case.pdf

    你既然瞭解英國移民法,那能不能解釋一下,什麼是Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)。有ILR的人是不是一用觀光/商務身份入境英國,ILR就終止?

  7. 能否請世澤兄幫忙翻譯美國綠卡相關法案?
